Qualiopi help: why use an Office Manager for certification?

Although Qualiopi certification is now part and parcel of the vocational training landscape, it remains a burden for many training organizations. In fact, the DARES (Direction de l’Animation de la Recherche, des Études et des Statistiques) estimates in a study that 48% of non-certified training providers have abandoned the quality certification mark because of its complexity.

However, not being certified could ultimately impact a training organization’s sales. In fact, by not being Qualiopi-certified, they forfeit the right to public and mutualized funding dedicated to vocational training.

Would you like to be certified, but lack the time or skills in-house? Find out how an office manager combines expertise and versatility to help you achieve Qualiopi certification.

Why get Qualiopi certification?

Qualiopi certification was introduced with the 2018 Avenir Professionnel law. Its main aim is to guarantee the quality of services provided by any training organization. As such, it applies equally to training initiatives, skills assessment services and VAE (Validation des Acquis d’Expérience) courses.

This quality certification offers three main advantages to the training center that obtains it:

  • access to public and mutualized funds such as the Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF) or the Opérateurs de Compétences (OPCO);
  • Enhanced credibility for the company, as Qualiopi certifies the quality of its training offering;
  • the training center’s commitment tocontinuous improvement in order to best meet the needs of its trainees.

Why seek support for Qualiopi certification?

To obtain this invaluable seal of approval, an initial audit is carried out by a certification body such as Afnor Certification or Bureau Veritas Certification. The auditor verifies the organization’s compliance with the Référentiel National Qualité (RNQ ) and its 32 indicators. The challenge is to gather all the evidence and documents required to meet each of these indicators. A time-consuming and sometimes complex process for uninitiated professionals.

There’s nothing compulsory aboutQualiopi certification support, but calling in a professional can save you a lot of time. He or she already knows the quality standards inside out, as well as the auditors’ expectations. Thanks to his expertise, he can explain the specific requirements of each indicator and help you meet them. He’ll help you score, collate and organize all the documents you need to provide. What’s more, gettingexpert help with Qualiopi certification will help you feel more serene and prepared on the day of the audit.

Qualiopi certification assistance: why seek support?

Qualiopi certification assistance: 5 advantages of hiring an office manager

Project management, organization, administrative management… An office manager has all the professional skills to support you in your certification process.

1. The office manager: an administrative expert

Armed with his experience, he will help you file all your training records efficiently. What’s more, thanks to his computer skills, he can create the documents you need for your audit, such as :

  • templates for mandatory evidence ;
  • a quality management system containing your entire strategy for preparing for the certification audit.

What’s more, we can also help you set uptools to digitize your training courses. An effective way of simplifying your processes and boosting productivity.

2. A versatile intervention

Still sometimes misunderstood by some companies, the job of office manager encompasses multiple tasks, some operational and others more strategic. In fact, it’s often compared to a real Swiss Army knife! For example, having an office manager accompany you to Qualiopi certification means you can delegate other urgent or time-consuming tasks to him/her at the same time. Whether you need accounting, HR, social or event management support, your office manager has the skills you need to save you time on a daily basis.

On the other hand, an office manager can also be involved in larger-scale projects such as the development of a CSR approach or the management of a continuous improvement policy. These are all projects that will reinforce the value of your Qualiopi certification and help your organization move towards ever higher quality.

an office manager's support for Qualiopi certification: a multi-faceted intervention

3. Help with Qualiopi certification thanks to a personalized action plan

Thanks to their versatility, office managers generally know your organization better than any other Qualiopi consultant. In fact, thanks to their global vision of the company, they are already familiar with its challenges and specific features. As a result, he or she can offer you totally personalized support tailored to your specific situation and needs.

4. Long-term support

When a company joins a quality initiative like Qualiopi, its commitment doesn’t stop with the initial audit. On the contrary, it’s the beginning of the continuous improvement process. It is essential to continue using the quality management system created for certification on a daily basis. This is essential to maintain the organization’s compliance with the requirements of the certification standard. And so be ready for theQualiopi surveillance or renewal audit when the time comes. By working with a freelance office manager over the long term, you can guarantee that the procedures put in place will be followed, and that you will continue to meet quality criteria.

5. Help with applications for public funding

Access to public and mutual funds also involves rigorous administrative procedures. Fortunately, once again, an office manager is on hand to help.

For example, he can help you put together your registration file for the EDOF platform, so that you can be listed on Mon Compte Formation.

It helps you create your EDOF space. He or she will work with you to fill in all the information concerning your organization and gather all the documents you need to provide. Once your registration has been validated by Caisse des Dépôts, an office manager can also assist you in :

  • the creation of your training catalog;
  • management of registration files ;
  • payments on the platform.

Stages in the Qualiopi certification process

To give yourself the best possible chance of passing the Qualiopi audit, the support process must follow a number of essential stages:

  • diagnose your organization, its offerings and its operations;
  • compare the results with the National Quality Standards to analyze your training organization’s strengths and priority areas for improvement;
  • define a roadmap and implement corrective actions;
  • make internal teams and external service providers aware of the requirements of the certification standards and the best practices to be implemented;
  • prepare for the audit: gather the evidence to be provided, choose the best way to present it and anticipate the auditor’s questions.

Qualiopi certification is a guarantee of quality that has become essential to ensuring the long-term future of a training organization. However, the process of obtaining it can sometimes be daunting for novice structures. That’s why, at Digital Agency, we’ve decided to use our skills to provide you with all the help you need to obtain Qualiopi certification.

Are you looking for comprehensive support in obtaining your Qualiopi certification? Find out more about our services and contact our team to request a quote.

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